JES-TM Social and Community Service <hr /> <table style="background-color: #e6e6fa; width: 100%;"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="15%">Title</td> <td width="85%">JES-TM Social and Community Service</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="15%">Website</td> <td width="85%">: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="15%">ISSN</td> <td width="85%">: 2986-3031</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="15%">DOI Prefix</td> <td width="85%">: 10.31004/jes-tmc</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="15%">Subject</td> <td width="85%">: Science, Technology and Management in Social and Community Service</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="15%">Frequency</td> <td width="85%">: Quarterly</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="15%">Language</td> <td width="85%">: Indonesia (id), English </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="15%">Indexed at</td> <td width="85%">: Garuda, BASE, OneSearch, Moraref, etc.</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="15%">Citation</td> <td width="85%">: Google Scholar</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="15%">OAI</td> <td width="85%">: <a href=""></a></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p><a href=""><strong>JES-TM Social and Community Service: Journal of Community Service</strong> </a>contains the results of community service and empowerment activities in the form of application of various fields of science including health, education, engineering, agriculture, agriculture, social humanities, computers, entrepreneurship and economics. This journal is published regularly two times a year in Desember and Juni. The purpose of this journal is to disseminate ideas and results of the dedication and research conducted by universities that can be applied in society. JESTMC contains various activities carried out in handling and overcoming various problems that occur in society by applying science and technology which can then be useful for improving community welfare.</p> en-US (Resy Kumala Sari) (Mohammad Fauziddin) Mon, 14 Oct 2024 16:19:38 +0700 OJS 60 Memahami Preferensi Generasi Z dalam Pariwisata Pesisir Halal: Studi Kasus dan Rekomendasi <p>Understanding the preferences of Generation Z in halal coastal tourism is crucial, given their unique characteristics of prioritizing religious values, sustainability, and authentic experiences. This study aims to provide recommendations for the development of a sustainable tourism industry that positively impacts society and the environment. The methodology employed involves surveys and interviews with Generation Z respondents to identify factors influencing their choices, such as religious aspects, sustainability, and authentic experiences. The findings of this study indicate that Generation Z has unique and specific preferences for halal coastal tourism, reflecting their religious values, sustainability, and desire for authentic experiences. </p> Rama Dani Eka Putra, Tessa Zulenia Fitri, Deri Kurniadi Copyright (c) 2024 JES-TM Social and Community Service Mon, 04 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Optimalisasi Pengelolaan Data Guru Bahasa Inggris dengan Sistem Informasi Berbasis Teknologi MA Al-Falah Palembang <p>Teacher data management is one of the important aspects in improving the efficiency and quality of educational administration. However, many educational institutions, including Madrasah Aliyah (MA) Al-Falah Palembang, still face obstacles in managing teacher data that is less structured and manual. This can hinder access to information, data accuracy, and data-based decision making. This community service activity aims to optimize the management of English teacher data at MA Al-Falah Palembang through the implementation of a technology-based information system. This information system is designed to facilitate the process of recording, searching, updating, and reporting teacher data efficiently. The methods used include needs analysis, system development, system usage training for teachers and administrative staff, and implementation evaluation. The results of this activity are expected to improve the efficiency of teacher data management, minimize errors in data processing, and support better decision making in the MA Al-Falah Palembang environment. In addition, the implementation of this system is expected to be a model that can be applied in other educational institutions to improve the quality of educational data management.</p> Novita Sari, Nurlista Iryanti, Hidayatul Fitri, Arif Rahman Hakim, Nyimas Aulia Copyright (c) 2024 JES-TM Social and Community Service Fri, 22 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Pendidikan Filosofis untuk Kesadaran Ekologis : Menumbuhkan Kesadaran Moral terhadap Lingkungan di Kalangan Siswa Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Perpajakan Riau <p>This community service aims to increase environmental awareness and the formation of moral character of students at SMK Perpajakan Riau with an approach based on educational philosophy and environmental ethics. This activity involves an understanding of global and local environmental issues, as well as an introduction to environmental ethics that connects moral values ​​with responsibility towards nature. The methods used include counseling, group discussions, and environmental projects that involve students in concrete actions, such as planting trees and reducing plastic waste. Evaluation was carried out through questionnaires before and after the activity to measure changes in students' knowledge, attitudes, and commitment to the environment. The results showed a significant increase in students' understanding of environmental issues and concrete actions that can be taken to maintain sustainability. Although moral awareness of the environment increased, the greatest impact was seen in changes in students' knowledge and real actions. With this approach, it is hoped that students will not only have strong environmental knowledge, but also a character that cares and is responsible for nature. This activity reflects the integration between the theory of educational philosophy and the practice of sustainability in education.</p> Sri Hardianti, M Firdaus; Decky Saputra; Sumianto, Dessyka Febria; Fahmi Iqbal Firmananda; Putri Zulia Jati; Vigi Indah Permatha Sari Copyright (c) 2024 JES-TM Social and Community Service Wed, 27 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Community Empowerment Through Increasing Knowledge About the Truth of the Drug NZT-48 as a Neurotrophic in Increasing Brain Potential <p>The community service aimed to bridge the gap between scientific knowledge and public perception regarding nootropics. Through a comprehensive approach involving meticulous planning, community engagement, educational activities, expert consultations, feedback collection, and evaluation, the program sought to increase awareness and understanding of cognitive enhancement substances among participants. Real-life case studies and guest lectures by renowned experts enriched the learning experience, addressing scientific, ethical, and social perspectives. The proactive involvement of community leaders and an effective awareness campaign ensured high participation and relevance. It underscored the importance of a multidisciplinary approach in addressing complex topics and highlighted the value of engaging communities in meaningful discussions about health and well-being. The program not only educated the community about the realities and myths surrounding NZT-48 and other nootropics but also promoted critical thinking and informed decision- making. By empowering the community with accurate information and fostering a culture of informed skepticism, the program contributed to the betterment of community health and well-being, setting a precedent for future public health education initiatives.&nbsp;</p> Yuneka Saristiana, Fendy Prasetyawan, Ratna Mildawati, Chandra Arifin, Abd Rofiq, Widhi Astutik Copyright (c) 2024 JES-TM Social and Community Service Thu, 28 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Pengembangan Aplikasi Biodata Mahasiswa Berbasis Desktop dengan Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 sebagai Solusi Pengelolaan Data Efisien <p>Efficient student data management is one of the important needs in educational institutions. However, in many cases, data management is still done manually or using less structured methods, which has the potential to cause errors and hinder the administration process. To overcome these problems, this community service program aims to develop and implement a desktop-based student biodata application using Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0. This application is designed to facilitate student data management, including input, search, update, and storage of data in a structured manner. Application development is carried out through the stages of needs analysis, system design, coding, and testing. The Microsoft Access database is used as a data storage medium, integrating Visual Basic 6.0 capabilities in efficient and user-friendly data management. The results of this activity show that the application developed has succeeded in increasing the efficiency of student data management. Users can easily enter, search, and modify data without the need for in-depth technical knowledge. In addition, application usage training provided to target users helps ensure the sustainability of application implementation in related institutions. With this application, it is hoped that student data management will be more organized, faster, and more accurate, thus providing a positive impact on administrative efficiency and decision-making in educational institutions.</p> Muhammad Ridho Ardiansyah, Serry Davizan, Amelia Anggraini, Anggoro Aryo Pramudhito, Indah Rahma Sari, Bella Paramita Copyright (c) 2024 JES-TM Social and Community Service Thu, 28 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Penyuluhan Teknis Tentang Pemanfaatan Air Hujan untuk Penggunaan Rumah Tangga di Dusun Subanglan Desa Binuang Kecamatan Bangkinang <p>This Community Service Program aims to provide technical education on the utilization of rainwater as a source of clean water for residents of Subanglan Halet, Binuang Village, Bangkinang District. Despite having high rainfall, the area has not yet optimized rainwater utilization. The approach includes community socialization, the construction of safe rainwater harvesting systems, and training on the use of simple filtration tools to ensure water quality suitable for consumption. The program successfully increased community understanding by 60% regarding rainwater collection and treatment techniques. Community participation reached 80%, demonstrating strong enthusiasm for the program. It is expected the this initiative will benefit the community by improving access to clean water and promoting sustainable environmental management</p> Beny Setiawan, Muhammad Islah, Agus Alisa Putra Copyright (c) 2024 JES-TM Social and Community Service Sat, 30 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Pelatihan Pembuatan Video Pendidikan di Youtube dengan Kecerdasan Buatan (AI) bagi Mahasiswa PAI UIN Gusdur Pekalongan <p>Peningkatan kemampuan pendidik di era disrupsi informasi seperti saat ini, terutama dalam menghasilkan konten video pendidikan melalui kanal Youtube, menjadi aspek krusial untuk menunjang kualitas pembelajaran masa kini. Para calon pendidik maupun pendidik itu sendiri perlu terus berinovasi dan berkreasi agar tetap kompetitif, salah satunya dengan menguasai pembuatan konten video pendidikan yang dapat disebarluaskan melalui media Youtube. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pembekalan kepada peserta mengenai cara yang tepat dalam memproduksi konten video pendidikan menggunakan laman Youtube dengan memanfaatkan kecerdasan buatan. Harapannya, para peserta dapat mengembangkan keterampilan yang memadai dalam menghasilkan video pendidikan yang mampu meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran. Kegiatan ini dilakukan menggunakan metode <em>service learning</em>, yang mengombinasikan penyampaian materi teoritis melalui ceramah dan praktik langsung. Hasil kegiatan menunjukkan bahwa para peserta memiliki pemahaman yang baik terhadap materi yang disampaikan, serta telah menguasai keterampilan dasar dalam pembuatan konten video pendidikan berbasis Youtube. Selain itu, kegiatan ini memberikan dampak sosial positif, yang tercermin dari respons baik yang diberikan oleh peserta.</p> Imas Saffanatul Aminah, Sylva Fahri Nailannaja, Imam Prayogo Pujiono, Ahmad Ta'rifin, Moh. Syaifuddin, Arditya Prayogi, Widodo Hami Copyright (c) 2024 JES-TM Social and Community Service Wed, 27 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Nurse Integrity Through Professional Organization Development in Tulungagung Regency <p>Integrity in the nursing profession includes honesty, fairness, responsibility, and commitment to professional ethics. This research aims to improve the integrity of nurses through a community service program that involves collaboration with the Indonesian National Nurses Association (PPNI). This program consists of ethics training and education, drafting and updating a code of ethics, and developing policies that support integrity in nursing practice. The methods used include initial surveys, focus group discussions (FGD), Training of Trainers (ToT) programs, as well as mentoring and counseling. Results showed significant improvements in nurses' understanding and skills regarding integrity, as well as increased institutional support. Post- training evaluations and follow-up surveys showed that most participants reported improvements in implementing integrity principles in daily practice. However, challenges such as high workloads remain and require further attention. This program proves that with the right approach and commitment from all parties involved, improving nurse integrity can be achieved, which will ultimately provide great benefits for patients and the health system.&nbsp;</p> Devangga Darma Karingga, Fendy Prasetyawan, Purnomo, Evi Tunjung Fitriani Copyright (c) 2024 JES-TM Social and Community Service Thu, 28 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Workshop Karya Tulis Ilmiah: Penulisan Cerdas Menggunakan VOS Viewer, Connected Paper, dan Mendeley <p><em>Scientific writing can be in the form of scientific articles, final reports, publication manuscripts, research reports such as theses, theses or dissertations. In writing scientific papers, modern reference management, such as Mendeley, Vos Viewer, and Connected Paper, has become a tool for scientific work writers to import, organize, search for references and research gaps quickly, it also makes it possible to organize and store all documents related to the project research in one place. Of the 35 participants who took part in the workshop, participants assessed that the material was delivered well by 3 resource persons, with evidence of an average rating for each resource of 4.5 on a scale of 1-5 (very bad to very good) and a standard deviation of 0.4 to 0.61. The distribution of results for the advanced themes that participants are interested in implementing in the future is optimization towards the industrial era 5.0 with an answer percentage of 54.29%; Publication of accredited scientific papers with a percentage of 25.71%; Industrial Sustainability was 11.43% and Industrial Innovation Technology was 8.57%.</em><em>&nbsp; </em></p> Handi Nugroho, Rivara Nasution, Kurniawan Hamidi, Anggraini Saputri, Famila Winanti, Deri Kurniadi, Huda Agusta, Zefri Azharman, Aldiyanto Gunawan, Winlie Chang, Joni Chandra, Tri Susanti Copyright (c) 2024 Sat, 09 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Pelatihan Sistem Rantai Pasok dan Logistik untuk Meningkatkan Efisiensi Distribusi Produk Berbahan Dasar Kelor di PT. Mond Nature Lestari <p>This supply chain and logistics system training was held to increase the efficiency of distribution of Moringa-based products at PT. Mond Nature Lestari, a company engaged in the production and distribution of Moringa products which are known to have many health benefits. Even though this product has broad market potential, the company faces challenges in optimizing its distribution, especially related to high logistics costs and inefficiencies in supply chain management. This training program aims to provide understanding and skills to employees and company management in managing supply chains and logistics more efficiently, through material on supply chain analysis, inventory management, demand planning, as well as the application of information technology and digital-based logistics management systems. This training also includes an introduction to efficient transportation methods, optimal warehouse management, and the use of technology and logistics management software to reduce distribution costs. It is hoped that after the training, companies can reduce operational costs, speed up product distribution, and increase competitiveness by ensuring the even availability of Moringa products on the market. The success of this service will be seen from increased distribution efficiency, reduced logistics costs, and higher customer satisfaction.</p> Lailatul Syifa Tanjung, Hidayati Rusnedy, Kasini, Resy Kumala Sari, Yesi Yusmita Copyright (c) 2025 Thu, 28 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0700